Tuesdays, 7:30 - 10:30pm
“Hugely enjoyable evenings of songs and music making, where everyone is welcome to take part.” Time Out Magazine
Like an open mic without the mic, Sharp’s Folk Club is the best-known floor singers’ night in London. Trad songs and tunes, ballads, shanties, and rousing choruses... and the best folk harmonies in the Capital.
You can be part of it – sing, play or listen. New singers get a big welcome – just put your name on the list at the door. Pay on the door (cash or card) - Singers: £4, Audience: £5
What to expect
Sharp’s is one of the best-known – and best! – floor singers’ nights in London. It’s like an open mic without the mic: the performers are members of the audience. Singers and musicians put their names at the door when they arrive, and the MC hosting the evening calls them up to perform, one song at a time. But if you don’t want to perform, no problem – we all love an appreciative audience.
First-time singers
First-timers at Sharp’s get a special Sharp’s welcome – a big round of applause when they take the floor. And those first timers often go on to great things – we’ve lost count of the people who took their first shaky singing steps at Sharp’s, and went on to fame and fortune (well, fame, anyway) in their folk singing careers. It’s a great place to take those first steps as a solo performer or as a newly-formed group – most of your audience has been there too, and can empathise.
A typical evening
On a typical evening there will be a huge range of songs and tunes – Sharp’s is the place to hear and perform the full range of trad and trad-inspired music. A rousing chorus song might be followed by a hilarious music hall number, an ancient, miserable ballad (we do like a bit of misery…), something from the folk revival or a newly-penned song in the traditional mould, then on to shanty or skiffle or blues and back again, with a few wild cards along the way…
Around the world
…and although we are based in the home of the English Folk Dance and Song Society, music and songs from other parts of the globe are heartily welcomed, so whichever world tradition your music comes from, it’s sure of a welcome at Sharp’s.
Guest nights
Most nights are singers’ nights (instrumentalists and poets are welcome too), but occasionally we book guest performers. On guest nights there are still opportunities for audience members to perform.